Saturdays: 4pm-4:45pm
Mass Time: January 1, 2025 at 8am (A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION)
Faith Formation classes resume Jan. 5 for sacramental prep, and Jan. 8 for Wednesday classes.
2025 Envelopes are now in the narthex. If you don't see your name:
Thank you for your support & generosity!
2025 Calendars are now available in the narthex by the bulletin board. We thank Memorial Funeral Home in Hearne for sponsoring to provide calendars for our parishioners.
Requesting a Mass Intention is a spiritual and supportive way to honor and remember loved ones both living and deceased. To set a Mass intention please go to or call the church office. Note: weekend Masses Intentions are extremely limited. However, plenty of spots are open for weekday Masses. A $5.00 donation per Mass Intention is accepted. WE HAVE OUR 2025 MASS INTENTION RECORD BOOK IN, IF YOU WANT TO PLAN EARLY!