Mass Times/ Horatio de Misas

Tuesday- Friday: 8:00 AM
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 9AM, 11AM (Spanish)
1st Friday Devotion: 7PM- 8PM (Spanish)

Confession Times

Saturdays: 4pm-4:45pm

Office Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday: 9AM- 2PM


Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! ~From St. Mary's

The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

     Mass Time: January 1, 2025 at 8am                   (A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION)

The Holy Family

Christmas Break

Faith Formation classes resume Jan. 5 for sacramental prep, and Jan. 8 for Wednesday classes.  

RE News

Diocesean Catholic Youth Conference 2025 (DCYC) Jan. 31-Feb. 3, 2025

2025 Envelopes

2025 Envelopes are now in the narthex. If you don't see your name:

  • please write your information on the clipboard on the table
  • call the church office 
  • email lgarza@stmaryhearne.org

Thank you for your support & generosity!

2025 Calendars

2025 Calendars are now available in the narthex by the bulletin board. We thank Memorial Funeral Home in Hearne for sponsoring to provide calendars for our parishioners. https://www.mfhtexas.com/

Jubilee 2025- Jubileo 2025

Jubilee 2025

Request a Mass Intention

Requesting a Mass Intention is a spiritual and supportive way to honor and remember loved ones both living and deceased. To set a Mass intention please go to or call the church office. Note: weekend Masses Intentions are extremely limited.  However, plenty of spots are open for weekday Masses. A $5.00 donation per Mass Intention is accepted. WE HAVE OUR 2025 MASS INTENTION RECORD BOOK IN, IF YOU WANT TO PLAN EARLY! 

The National Eucharistic Revival

The Diocese of Austin




Click the image for Mass times & more information.